Friday, May 18, 2007
blog shifted!
find my new blog yourself.
cya! :p
9:09 AM
I love you.
Friday, May 04, 2007
sneak peeks of the..
till night

oops . unknowingly chopped his hair off.
aniwaes, i just learnt this from the guys. with indian accent(no offence luh kae) " happy birthday la dey!"
Farm visit

helping auntie finish her masterpiece

nice? very "moulin rouge"y rite?

haha! taking this picture made me super hyper afterwards.

1:20 AM
I love you.
Friday, April 27, 2007
i can finally sign in to blogger.and i thought someone hacked into my acc.pheww! anws,
im up and early. actually , i havent slpt a wink. haha.couldnt get to sleep la.
i actually wanna talk abt how nice this morning is, bt after spending half an hour trying to log in to blogger, i dont feel like it alrd.wahah.
anyhoos, im back using the laptop after disturbing my brother frm his slp.HAHA! you dont wanna know how silly me and my brother behaves at home.
2 goofy homie
Something from mother teresa.
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Be successful anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some people may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you have anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It never was between you and them anyway."
Yes, thats about all.
Osakini, BYE!
9:31 PM
I love you.
[today's post for yesterday]
went down to buy some snacks for myself and Urban boy
and it only started drizzling while i just stepped out of my block
(plus i didnt have any umbrella)
Thank God that it didnt rain all while i was out , bt only when i came back.
Thank God that on the way back home
a huge tree branch"thumped" and fell just 2 steps ahead of me.
What if i had been a few steps faster?
Imagine it falling on my head.
might have concussion~
Watched 300 with bro *oops, Urban boy after dinner.
and eeeee... isnt that nice :(
definitely a show for males
and the bulging abs so fake!
okay la, the guys indeed have abs( plus i am an abs must haf abs!=x ), but they applied dark makeup between the packs to make them stand out! fake. haha.
and there were alot of " sure anottt?"s i said.
i felt that the whole show was a little exaggerated luh.
i felt that they should follow the real life happenings and all, as close as possible.
So there were really Rhinos that huge?
and monsters meh?
the 300 soldiers really wore that little like only a trunk and a cape, while their enemies were in full armour?
At the scene were the Spartan King was giving an inspirational speech to his fellow soldiers,
Brother was like :" manda! manda! DO YOU FEEL IT?? awww! feel the emotions?! feel what they are feeling? awwwww..OOO!i feel goosebumps man.. awww! the 300s are too cool!"
(think bro felt like he was one of the 300. haha.and he's so exaggerated. he's actions and everything. such a joker.)
manda :" hahah! NO." *-.-
I just watched the American Idol-Idol gives back programme.aww, okay, i was touched.The part where the choirgroup, made up of cute african boys( i think the oldest 7 years old) sang backup for Josh Groban and his You Raise Me Up. was too touching!ahahs.and the final group between Josh Groban and the boys. was really, awwww~
The whole Idol Gives Back programme schedule felt like some ministry seminar.
People getting saved , touching images , hymnic music with choir and powerful lead singers.
Felt like a sermon at City Harvest. =X
anws, the producers were smart .The way they planned the programme sequence, making it flow really smoothly and letting the audiences/viewers leave with stirred hearts.
kding luhh.
boohoo. i need to go down to NAFA tomorrow to sign something which i missed out the other time. :(
and im going ALONE! hurhur...But its okay, I'm a big girl now! :D
ps. you wanna see pics?? wait longgglongggggggg.
haha! okay, im just being crappy now =x
1:15 AM
I love you.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Brother was asking me why dont i try for to look for some admin part time job when i told him i wanna do waitressing or be a barista that sorta thing for a part time job.
So i was telling him, "why must i work FOR money and be a lackey for moo-lahs(money)?. Right at this age, i just wanna enjoy working and money would be secondary la..."
Gorgor :" okay, good :) at least you're working.
i aspire to earn a million by 30!(or maybe 35 haha.)
bt not starting frm now la.
let me enjoy my teenage years first.
Im not gonna slog for money now, and when im out in the working society , slog again for the rest of my life!
Amanda dont like it.
a moderately low paid job, bt fun loving job would be fine with me.
low pay then low pay la .
Although the salary's low, bt i believe working happily for 10 hours with $4/hr would be better than working 8 hours with $10/hr without any fun ,without any friends and with alot of stress.
And why should i be like the grown ups?
why should i act like the grown ups and act like im their age .
i treat every single one like someone my age should treat them. A meimei to a gorgor/jiejie, just like how i treat my brother , or if i had an elder sister.(oh, do you know i used to have an elder sister? surprising huh. she experienced the world earlier than my brother did. so if she did managed to live, i dont think i would be here. i dont think my parents would have wanted 3 kids.hoho. havoc at home.)
If i didnt treat you as my jiejies/gorgors, i wouldnt have been goofy, and so openminded (okay. im goofy with friends too. bt NOT THAT goofy when with you guys). yea, my interection with my gorgor different frm interections with friends.
just that tinch of difference.
Anw, i think its inevitable that people's mood , character , sense of humour and everything changes with the surrounding.
you'll inevitably be happier (and thus smile more) with a higher paid job,
you'll inevitably be more patient when you're working in a childcare center,
you'll inevitably be more "ang moh " if you're hanging out with a more "ang moh " group,(ahem, yesyes, with respect to my secondary school days.*u know, all the manicure and pedicure, the stayovers and all that*)
you'll inevitably be more " cheena " when you're hanging out with a more "cheena"( in a good sense; more chinese) clique.(ahem yes~. with respect to my one year in poly. totally changed me - make my english worse haha)
the evidence is so significant! we grow up along with what makes us that way.We grow to be like our surrounding.
Take my two aunties for example:-
Auntie Cheryl - more ang moh, because she was under English education and was in english-majored school.
Auntie Grace - half cheena half ang moh , because she was under chinese education at primary school bt then went overseas for studies so english was also good.
Yesyes. i was like agreeing profusely ! She told me about what i wrote above. " from ang moh sch so more ang moh" " from cheena sch so more cheena" about her and Auntie Cheryl.
So sometimes you see me slang, must be see me hanging out with sherri too much.
haha! =D
summing up, my reason for today's post is for clarification's sake.
i dont like misconceptions abt me.
especially when people say i should try to be myself (okay, onli 1 person told me that =x )
BUT, 1 misconception is enough for me.
I believe in being myself all along, so i dont understand why that person sees that im nt being myself.
Do i have to explain everything t everyone? tiring you know.
Im such a fan of " staying true to yourself" ! and you say im not being myself ? trying to be someone else? i BOX YOU AH.
stop labelling me with what you think.
okay. the above post is just random.
i started talking abt my part time job then i continued typing down what i was thinking , then it linked to how that person said im trying not to be myself, then it led to clarification.
i dont even know how everything ended here!
lol.anyways,i hope the above rantings didnt bore you out. Cause i was just writing what i was feeling right at that instant.
okay, im really hot. cos the fan's not on.
7:57 AM
I love you.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
This minute im here bt the next im gone.
be back soon :)
3:07 PM
I love you.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
you are not funny at all.
you clown. :p
you clown. :p
hahah.KIDDING la!(copy Wuzun)
hahah. really kding only la..
hahah. really kding only la..
the korean and my brother looked miles apart leh.
my brother was really angry when i told him what you said.
see! my brother so shuai! (ahem... i post these pictures also partly to show how cute i am. lol . tsktsk )

my Gosh, miles apart la Tong huiling :)
WAHAHAAAAAHAHAH!!!!!! i m sure Edwin and guys wont be mad when i put this up, bcos these pictures can make people laugh even after a hard day at work .Just like how these photos made me laugh!!haha! too cute! (and funny. ahem :DD)

1:54 AM
I love you.